Back in the early 1980s, a young red-ear slidder turtle got tangled in a 6-can soda ring while swimming in Missouri, she would later become known as Peanut. Peanut remained entangled within the plastic and continued to grow even though the plastic was restricting her. Nine years later in 1993 rescuers found Peanut with the plastic still around her....

Garbage patches are large sectors within our oceans where pieces of garbage tend to end up. Due to Earth's currents, the ocean debris are pulled into these large whirlpools which pull trash to their center. As a result, the trash winds up staying within that area, and the patch grows bigger as more trash is pulled into it. The most...

Big Businesses are responding to public pressures to get rid of plastic straws. Starbucks are among the group of companies to announce that they will ditch plastic straws by the end of 2020. Rather than using straws, Starbucks plans to make special lids to drink the beverages. McDonald's is planning to phase out plastic straws in their Ireland and...

There is a misconception we all have, that if we place an object in the recycling bin then it has to get recycled. We believe that by simply placing an object in the correct bin, it is ensured that we are helping the planet, but that is not entirely true. There are many things about recycling that we don't know...

The U.S produces mind-boggling levels of trash a day, NYC alone produces 14 million tons annually. There is too much trash to go through and the separation of plastics is too time-consuming so instead of being properly dealt with our plastic is sold to other countries for profit. They are often shipped off to places like India and China...

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